The PUMP-UP project
The PUMP-UP project aims to develop resources applicable to the Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) sector across the European Union, addressing common training needs.
It aims to gain through transnational cooperation, which can safeguard compliance with EU instruments for occupations and skills and improve regulatory convergence, ensuring homogeneity and wider applicability at the national level.
The project brings together a university (UPV), VET schools (TARTU VOCO, CELF), sector experts (ECQA, RENAC), and consulting companies (INNOVELA, PROMEA) from 7 different countries: Estonia, Greece, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Denmark and Spain.


1. Revise occupational requirements for HVAC technicians to reflect current labour market skill needs and shortages pertaining to the growing demand for greener heating & cooling solutions.
2. Develop and pilot-test a novel curriculum and training content on Heat Pump installation & maintenance, addressedto both HVAC trainees & experienced technicians.
3. Support VET providers to integrate project materials & adapt their offerings to market needs.
4. Introduce flexible training delivery methods and open-access resources to encourage self-paced training.
5. Develop a recognition scheme based on micro-credentials to foster the recognition of Heat Pump skills acquired in non-formal settings.
6. Foster the capitalisation of project results in VET practice, through the validation and integration of relevant occupational requirements into national/EU competence frameworks & certification schemes.
Expected Results
1. Learning Units
2. Massive Open Online Course
3. Training Seminars
4. Microcredentials Scheme
5. Occupation Requirements Revision
6. Qualification Blueprint
7. National Info-days
8. EU-wide Conference

Upskilling HVAC technicians on heat pump technologies for green energy transition
Project No: KA220-VET-000164956
Copyright © 2024 PUMP-UP project
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.